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Through its local knowledge, regional contacts and global network Asia BioBusiness endeavors to move biobusiness forward by identifying technology opportunities and potential partnerships.Biotechnology research in the public sector is leading the way in Asia and clearly this research will serve as a major driver for the industry. Whether it is biomedical IP from Singapore, India or North Asia; food biotechnology IP from Thailand; or agbiotechnology IP from the Philippines or Taiwan, there are significant technology resources available, which are currently under-utilized.

Innovative technology in the region can and should flow intra-regionally and globally to other public sector institutions and can be used as the basis for new private sector activities.

There are also major opportunities for technology transfer from outside the region and partnerships with the rapidly-growing number of SMEs engaged in biobusiness around the region, as well as the larger Asia-based MNCs.

Asia BioBusiness can also move technology opportunities forward by working with the technology providers to create businesses and leveraging our network of business leaders who recognize the potential and value of biotechnology.