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Our Position

We endorse the definition of food security adopted by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization — “Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active life.”

We consider food security to be a multi-dimensional phenomenon requiring a multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary approach to address its complexity.  The four dimensions of Food Security are therefore –

  • Food Availability, made up of factors like Production, Imports, Stockpiles;
  • Food Access (Physical), made up of factors like Access to markets, logistics & Infrastructure; trade (Supply chains) , Storage & processing facilities;
  • Food Access (Economic), made up of factors like Safety nets, Food pricing, GDP per capita; and
  • Food Utilisation, made up of factors like Nutrition & Health, Food Safety, Sanitation & Hygiene.

Figure 1: The Four Dimensions of Food Security

Each food security dimension may be disrupted by factors, leading the insecurity in the near term or mid- to long-term.

Mid- to Long-Term Negative Disruptors on Food Security

What we offer

ABB has expertise to tackle issues in each of the dimensions singly or in toto.

We have designed and conducted courses to train ASEAN leaders in agriculture on how to future-proof their national food security strategies based on a sound understanding of the disruptors of security and mitigation measures.

We have advised international, regional and national entities on the design of food security strategies based on removing or minimising the effects of disruptors, and a foundational knowledge of supply chain components.