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We provide services in international business development to the public and private sectors, as well as for academia and the development community. We also offer customized training and executive briefings for policymakers and senior executives in areas such as the latest developments in biotechnology research, regulatory frameworks, and markets.

Asia BioBusiness works with companies and organizations to foster innovation and effective communication, and provide critical support to assist entrepreneurs in nurturing ideas and turning them into profitable businesses. We also specialize in developing effective communication strategies for new technologies to enhance understanding and acceptance within key target groups e.g. regulators, investors, media and the lay public.

Leveraging on our broad expertise and extensive network in the public and private sectors, we have helped advance the biotechnology agendas of corporations of various sizes, governments, development agencies, development banks, industry organizations, and NGOs.

In the following pages you will find detailed descriptions of our services, what we term our functional practice areas.

The diversity of Asia in both a cultural and a business sense makes it impossible to generalize about things “Asian”

Local—on the ground—knowledge is essential.

But simple knowledge is not everything—understanding is the key. From a combined seventy-five plus years of experience in Asia our team has this understanding and can provide the necessary local perspective and intuition on issues that can affect your business.

We have worked on a broad spectrum of subjects for a wide-ranging client base. Our clients have included MNCs, SMEs, university spin-offs, governments, development agencies, NGOs, international agricultural centers, and trade associations on projects in almost all the countries of South and East Asia. We also maintain a consultant database to help us access specialist resources in a broad range of sectors, so that you get the answers you need.

Our activities can be broken down into three core areas:

  • Training activities as part of our “Knowledge Pl+s” offering where we conduct training in the commercialization process, innovation and risk communication and provide executive briefings on a wide range of issues in biotechnology.
  • On-going mentoring and knowledge transfer over extended periods to implement systems and solutions on the ground.
  • Consulting to advance the biotechnology agenda of our clients — essentially giving them freedom to operate in Asia-Pacific or beyond.