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Commercialisation of Public Sector Academic Research in the Biomedical Field

A Training Course on Commercialization of Public Sector Academic Research in the Biomedical Field. Moving from academic research to commercial development of products to diagnose and treat human diseases.


Governments around the Asian region, and indeed globally, have set aside considerable funds to establish and develop academic research institutes in the field of human diseases. The hope of this investment in basic research is two fold:

  • to discover and develop new tests and treatments for a range of human diseases
  • to initiate and sustain economic development in a growth industry and thus create newjobs and new healthcare infrastructure

However, although these funds are sizeable, and this effort is commendable, too little attention has so far been given to the process whereby this academic research is leveraged into the development of new products and economic activity. As governments in the west have found, just funding good quality academic research is a necessary but not sufficient part of a bigger process whereby such research is used to create new products and thus economic development. This process we term ‘commercialisation’ of academic, basic research.

This course will cover the whole “commercialization” process whereby new commercial opportunities are identified within academic research findings and then brought to market. This process is unfortunately long, very expensive and fraught with difficulties. The skills and expertise required in this process are somewhat rare, particularly in Asia, and it is common that a large range of people and organisations need to be involved at various stages in the process. Ultimately though, if undertaken professionally and energetically, the successful commercialization of new findings in academic research can be very rewarding, both in terms of alleviating human suffering and in providing considerable financial returns to the people involved in the process.

Course Objectives

  • Provide a comprehensive, review and understanding of the whole process of commercialisation whereby basic research findings in the academic, public sector are transferred to the commercial sector for development into useful products to diagnose and treat human diseases
  • Provide opportunities to network with experts and to become knowledgeable about supporting resources in the region and worldwide, which are relevant to the commercialization of biomedical research.

Course topics: What will be learned?

  • Introduction to the necessity of the commercialisation process, and the identification of commercial opportunities within academic biomedical research.
  • Role and importance of Intellectual Property in the commercialization process. What is intellectual property, how to protect it, who owns it and how to use it for successful commercialization.
  • The Research & Development process. Differences between academic research and product development. R&D strategies and plans, pre-clinical and clinical development.
  • The role of business development in the commercialization process, the difference between developing a technology, developing a product and developing a business. Ways of undertaking business development through licensing, partnering or setting up new businesses
  • Requirements for investment in the biomedical field. What is the investment for, what funds are available and how are they different. How do investors, inventors, developers gain a financial return from biomedical commercialization.
  • Summary for the whole process, the people involved and general tips on how to succeed.

Who should attend?

  • Public sector scientists, R&D managers, government officials responsible for driving commercialization of biotechnology, and regulators, managers of biotechnology projects
  • Private sector, company personnel who desire a comprehensive understanding of the entire “R&D to product commercialization” chain
  • Biotechnology managers of bilateral and multilateral donor organizations who want to gain a full understanding of the industry.
  • Portfolio managers and directors of investment and commercial banks.
  • Asia-based diplomatic personnel e.g. economics, commercial or agricultural attachés
  • Legislators and their aides in countries with expressed interest to develop strongbiotech industries
  • Civil society groups wanting to understand the technology

The number of participants will be limited to 30 per offering.

Course Format

This is a 2-day, in-house and hands-on training and learning course. The course will consist of a series of lectures and tutorials, with one or two breakout sessions.

Real world examples will be given on most of the areas discussed above, subject to confidentiality restrictions.

Resource Persons

  • Dr Guy Heathers, Asia BioBusiness Pte Ltd, Singapore
  • Dr Andrew Powell, Asia BioBusiness Pte. Ltd., Singapore

Other invited speakers as needed.